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Quarantine Story of a Drag Queen by Patruni Chidananda Sastry


Updated: Mar 27, 2021

I am an extreme extrovert, optimistic, people person and for me, a regular day wouldn’t end without meeting with at least 50 people. It was around 5 years from the time when I quarantined my art, and that was to crack AIEEE. But I couldn’t withstand the staying without it. And the next time I came, I came as a dancer who never wants to leave the stage. Since a regular time, I always ensured to not stay at home even at the weekend. I ensured to rush, run and engage myself with lots and lots of people around the city. I never want a day to spend without art. Somedays it was dance or drag or performance art. My body became accompanied with a constant Adeline rush to create, create and create art.

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