Reading a book can help in improving so many good qualities like vocabulary and knowledge. But the best thing about reading books is that it allows us to escape our reality and go into a completely different world. This pride month we wanted to suggest some books, you will surely fall in love with and keep quoting once you finish them!
Binge- Tyler Oakley

I am not going to presume that you all would know Tyler Oakley, but the people who know him automatically fall in love with him. He is an amazing YouTuber and one of the most influential people in the Lgbt community. This book helps the reason learn many important lessons, just by reading the book and trust us, the books are filled with fascinating stories and worth reading. Click Here to check this book on amazon.
A work in progress- Connor Franta

This book is an exceptional masterpiece speaking about the journey of growing up in a heteronormative society and initially struggling with self-acceptance. Later in the book, it takes an interesting route and helps us understand Connor front in dept and experience his life through this book. This book also speaks about the issue faced by the LGBT community and tips on how to combat them. Click Here to check this book on amazon.
Journey through my pixelated world- Joey Graciffa

If you like reading, this book is soon going to be one of your favourites. This book is filled with real-life stories of Joey, which are quite fascinating. Through this book, we get to learn a lot about how it feels to be different, how small things can make a big difference in lives and how its important to believe in yourself. This book also has a few fun self realisation sections which will help you know joey and yourself better. And lastly, he has recommended some amazing things in the book, one must try! Click Here to check this book on amazon.
The other man- Aakash Malhotra

This book is one of the best reads when it comes to reading books based on the LGBT community. Through this book, the author has devoured a very strong message, mentioning things we do and the sacrifices we make for our family and society. This story is very interesting and engaging to read. Many readers may not like the ending of the book, but keeping in mind that this happens in real life, the story is bang-on! It's surely worth reading multiple times. Click Here to check this book on amazon.
The scent of god- Saikat Majumdar

This book was recommended to us by multiple articles and reviews on different media portals. We will not be giving out any details on the story as we do not wish to spoil this book for the readers, but what we can say is that this book is filled with words, phrases and situations which you would surely not expect to be here. People who like reading, this book is sure to grab your attention. Click Here to check this book on amazon.